I’m Building a $1,000,000 Business on Medium

Most people won’t believe it

Create from the heart
3 min readApr 30, 2022
Photo by Emre Alırız on Unsplash

My dad told me when I was a teenager that I should always move in silence. He said I shouldn’t tell people for two reasons:

  1. Most people don’t want you to do well. They will throw negative shade on your dreams.
  2. If you fail, you will look stupid(I don’t mind failing because failure always teaches you something)

I agree with my dad. This is why I don’t reveal every single thing about my business and online income streams on the Internet however, I do enjoy writing about my plans. In fact, it motivates me.

Right now, I’m revealing my secret.

I’m building a $1 million dollar business on Medium. How? I hear you say.

My Discovery

I made a small tweak to my Medium bio a while back and it’s increased my income beyond my wildest dreams. Read about it here:

Because of this small tweak, I receive hundreds of emails every month from brands asking me to create…

